Toolkit For The Internet Marketer

$ 43.64

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    Internet marketing is all about getting word out on the web about your product or service creating content.

    Even if you know the basics of internet marketing, there’s a good chance that you don’t have all of the advanced skills you need to really make any project into a success.

    You will learn:

    What Makes the Web Go Around
    Better Than Google AdSense
    How to Do It (Internet Marketing)
    Search Engine Optimization
    More Marketing Strategies: SMO and More
    The Power of Great Content
    How to Write for the Web
    The Power of Persuasive Writing
    Branding Done Right
    Building a Website
    Creating Logos and More Graphic Design
    Photography, An Underrated Web Skill
    The Laws of Great Photography
    Developing Your Skills Further
    And much more!